Wednesday 6 May 2009

Focus group

5 people, ranging from 17 years old to 20 years old, 3 females, 2 males.

Abbie Davies, Marc Nelmes, Chelsey Lindsay all 17
Danielle Dutton - 19
Liam Davies - 20

The group were all shown the front cover, contents page and the double page spread.
Firsty I encouraged them to give there opinions on there first impressions of the magazine.

They all agreed that they liked the image the most, and thought it was defiantley the main focus of the front cover.

I then asked the group a few questions on each page:

1. Would you say the front cover appeals more to women or to men? Why?
They all agreed women, due to the colour scheme, however Liam did say he liked the idea behind the magazine and would consider buying a magazine that was based on the same idea.

2. What's your favorite aspect about the front cover? What's your least favorite?
All said that there favorite aspect was the main image, least favorites were the typeface used on the masthead and the second inset image.

3. Do you think the colour scheme is effective? Would you change the colours? If so, What colours would you choose?
Chelsey= ' Yes, because the cover revolves around the main image, and as she has purple hair it ties everything in together'
Marc= Didn't like the colour scheme of the contents page, he said that it didn't fit in with the front cover or double page spread.
Danielle= She disagreed with Marc, saying that not all pages in a magazine are the same colour.

4. What are your views on the layout of all three pages?
Front cover: Layout liked, Liam would prefer it if it was a bit more simliar, Marc said he would like more information with the coverlines as they don't give you alot of information.
Contents page: Also liked, reasoning being it was organised and easy to follow.
Double page spread: Liked the way the images were laid out and the way the writing was in paragraphs and framed the image.

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