Thursday 7 May 2009

Evaluation- Technology

Adobe Photoshop

Some tools I used:

Magnetic lasso tool- During the production of my magazine I used the magnetic lasso tool a lot. It was used on my front cover to help cut around Abbie’s head so that I could copy and paste it as a new layer, therefore enabling me to overlay the masthead. In the double page spread it was used to erase the background of the main image, it is a very quick and easy way to outline a particular object.

Spot healing brush- I used this tool whilst photo shopping most of my images, it was used to erase any imperfections on the image, (e.g. blemishes on a person).

Patch tool- Similarly to the spot healing brush, I used the patch tool whilst editing my image. However this tool was used for trying to erase larger objects from the image, (e.g. an object in the background).

Burn tool- I used this tool when I wanted to darken certain areas on an image, (e.g. I used it to make the colour of the bra a much deeper purple) It can also be used to emphasise certain areas, (e.g. cheekbones), the opacity of it can be altered in order to make it blend with the photo.

Blur tool- I used the blur tool to help blend the edges of my main image on my double page spread, as beforehand I found that the magnetic lasso tool had left it very sharp.

Colour replacement tool- This tool can help change the colour in a particular image, I used it in one of the images on my contents page, as it had been an image taken of the same person as another image on this page. The changing of the colour of his t-shirt meant I could hide the fact it was in actual fact the same person.

Camera’s I used:

Canon 450d – I used this camera for my main images (front cover main image and double page spread images). It is a 12.2 megapixel camera and allows you to take continuous shots, it take a very clear, bright image, giving a more professional appeal.

Samsung NV3 – I used this camera for my other images. It is a 7.2 megapixel camera, although it does not take as good a photo as the canon 450d, it is a lot smaller and easier to manage, which was very useful for my second photo shoot at the giveaway’s gig.

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