Thursday 7 May 2009

Evaluation- Representations

Age- The age of the girl in my image is 17, I chose to use somebody from the age of my target audience as there are more likely to look at the image and relate with somebody of there own age than somebody much younger or much older.

Gender- Originally I did want my main image to be of both a female and a male as I felt this would be the most affective way of appealing to both sex’s however due to certain circumstances this was not possible, therefore my main image on my front cover is of a female. I would not have chosen to have the image of just a male on there own as I found out from my questionnaires that this wouldn’t appeal much to either sex’s. My images on my contents page are a mixture of both females and males as I did want to show the mix in genders.

Stereotypes- My image is a very stereotypical image of a person that would be into metal and the type of music my magazine is trying to promote, the bright big hair, the clothes and the piercings all help to create this stereotype. I chose Abbie for my main image on the front cover and for my double page spread as she fits my target audience, and by using somebody that fits my target audience in the magazine it will hopefully appeal more.

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