Thursday 7 May 2009

Evaluation- Lessons Learnt

Looking back at the preliminary task we were given, I feel like the final product is very much a reflection on how well I worked.
I am very pleased with my final product, however there were slight faults in my work, which I would change if I was given the task to do again. For example: I would change the typeface used on the masthead and heading for the contents page to one more suitable for the magazine. I’d have asked for opinions from my target audience on which font is preferred therefore I would have avoided the negative feedback about it.
I am glad that I choice not to break any conventions, even thought this may have been more interesting to do I don’t feel it would have been as passable as a real music magazine.
I liked the concept behind my magazine, being a magazine based on bands which are not yet establish however if I was to do this task again I think I would choice to base it on establish bands as it became hard to try and make up bands and information about fake artists.
My major disappointment was the final appearance of my contents page, I found that at the end I wasn’t very keen on the colour scheme and overall felt it didn’t fit in with the other pages, this also appeared to be the views of some of my audience during my focus groups.

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